
Friday, 17 August 2012

Shying Away From “Bladder Leaks” Does Not Help

Surveys reveal that most of 30 million odd Americans who experience some loss of bladder control suffer in silence.

Another disturbing revelation is more than 60 percent of people with incontinence symptoms do nothing to manage the condition, except probably using incontinence products or adult diapers.

Sadly, many women are too shy to seek help and many others believe incontinence is just a part of aging.

Women must be encouraged to consult a gynecologist or a medical practitioner in the first instance, because they will recommend certain exercises or a change in lifestyle behavior.

Kegel exercise is the most commonly recommended exercise that involves strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Clinical research has shown that Kegel exercises must be the first line of treatment for incontinence.

This exercise benefits both sexes since incontinence is also prevalent among men.

Changes in lifestyle behavior involve consuming less coffee or tea and making efforts to lose weight.

Yes, losing weight helps control incontinence.

It has been conclusively proved that heavier women tend to suffer more from incontinence than their slimmer counterparts. The reason put forth is that larger body weight puts additional pressure on the pelvic floor and bladder.

Till such time men and women find a solution to their “leaking bladder,”, using incontinence products and adult diapers is the only answer.

There is a wide variety of incontinence products available in the market, including pads and liners, washcloths, and reusable incontinence products.

Adult diapers are available in various designs as guards, protective underwear, and even as boxer shorts.

Nevertheless, men and women who suffer from incontinence must seek medical advice in the best interests of their health.